noasi on a smaller scale

I wish people would not leave trash bags in the trash room when the chute won’t open. Like, how hard is it to walk your trash to another trash room, and not leave your trash stinking in a small, hot room over the weekend?

This complex literally has concierge trash pick up, no excuses.

Well that’s not good.

A mountain range in the mid distance with a number of smoking plumes up high on the mountain.

“We won’t be the fastest. Second mouse gets the cheese.”

We are 0 for 4 with Pandemic. The game has become a needle to the brain. We keep playing.

Deer count: 7

Giggling @ whatbeatsrock Deep sea oil riggers sent to blow up the meteor 🤜 A giant meteor that wipes out half the human race 🤜 Global warming caused by humans 🤜 An iceberg 🤜 A submarine 🤜 A ship 🤜 A long chain to gangle the hook 🤜 Hook 🤜 Wrench 🤜 Screwdriver 🤜 Scissors 🤜 paper 🤜 rock

I appreciate how The Bear has included songs that sing to and soothe my soul.

Bear count: 4

The last two were super cute baby bears, and all of 40 yards away. 😳

Bear count: 1

Today’s fave road trip photos.

Yes. Yes, this is a fertile land, and we will thrive. We will rule over all this land, and we will call it… “This Land.”.

There’s a story here with this one.

“Ganache! They put ganache on their billboard. I feel we need to stop there, reward that with some business. No one knows what ganache is. Well, maybe with all the cooking shows.”

I missed the picture taking opportunity of the Ganache billboard.

Been considering the home espresso scene since @snookca taught me how to tolerate coffee. Chris Person’s Gaggiuino writeup invites me to the dark side…

“Remember, if that turns into a twister, you go a hundred and forty [mph] and get us out of here.”

“Right, the only way out is through.”

“What?? No! Around! Around the twister!”

Sunset in a car side mirror

Tempted to “Find me Josemonkey” this one.

Decrepit buildings with mountains in the distance

Desolation land

Bitter is a flat circle...

Two decades ago today I made a zucchini bread so bitter that even the dog wouldn’t eat it. The zucchini I grew that year inadvertently sent my teammates’ parents to the emergency room. The high levels of Curcurbitacin E in that zucchini was a 1 in a million plant find.

So, imagine my surprise when my travel sandwich today was bitter. A cucumber so bitter that I had to spit it out. I haven’t eaten a million Cucurbitaceae family vegetables in the last 20 years, so one would consider me a safe bet not to have another of these bitter ones in my lifetime.

And yet.

Lesson here? Stop eating vegetables.

What does an authentic self actually mean? Are we all not something different to different groups and different people in our lives?

I have to say, my needing to go to urgent care just before a long road trip is terrible timing. The irony that I am the reason is not lost on me. #life

There are moments when I believe I am very good at my job. There are more moments when I do not believe this.

Just had one of the former. 💪🏻